Friday, July 29, 2011

Chiropractic help with the tummy!

As many of you know my little one has trouble with reflux. When I talk about her reflux people just assume she spits up. I wish it were that easy for her. She actually has terrible back arching screaming fits that can last anywhere from a couple of minutes to 30+ minutes and there is no relief we can give her. We have tried acid blockers, reducers and objected to other medications that were prescribed. We hold her upright after meals and have tried every formula on the market with no relief. So in an effort to find help I started asking other mothers and Google for help.
I had several moms come back to tell me about chiropractic. I am familiar with it since I work in a specialty P.T. office that deals with spines. So after some more research I thought why not give it a try. At this point we had nothing to loose. Back to Google I went and was able to find a local chiropractor in town that specialized in children. After reading her site, blog and patient reviews I started to get excited. I emailed her and was shocked to get a response back from her. We shared several emails back and forth before her first appointment.
So the day has come and we head to the office. It turns out that Kennedy needed an adjustment in her neck. The appointment was easy and Kennedy just smiled and stared at Dr. Nancy the entire time. The Dr held her in various positions and gently stretched and adjusted her and told us to head back in a week. Later that night she started spitting up brown chunks of what looked like very old formula. This was slightly alarming because we had never seen that before and she had nothing but formula that day. But I tried not to worry because she was not in pain. My excitement grew with each day that she did not have a back arching fit. We made it to the next appointment a week later without one and she received another adjustment. This time there was a little fussy from the activator but I believe the noise startled her. She did not appear to be in pain and within a couple of seconds Dr. Nancy had her in her arms and was dancing around the office with her. Kennedy just loves Dr. Nancy and you can see the love that Dr. Nancy has for her work and her patients.
Which had me thinking and scratching my head on the way home. How many times have you taken your child to the Dr. and been in and out in 5 minutes and left wondering what the point of the visit was? I can tell you that's how I feel with our current pediatrician. I feel like a number and he has no memory of my child from appointment to appointment. It seems he just wants to give vaccinations and write prescriptions or nod off any questions or concerns we have. But he gets paid a couple hundred dollars for each visit by our insurance and spends no more then 5 minutes with our daughter. .....hmmmmm. Yet we go to Dr. Nancy and spend 15-30 minutes with her and she makes less then 1/2 what the pediatrician does. She talks to us about vitamins and the immune system and ways to naturally boost it. She gives us information that we can actually use to improve our health all while holding my daughter. When is the last time your pediatrician picked up your child and held her in her arms just talking to her and making her giggle? In our case never.
We have seen Dr. Nancy  3 times in 3 weeks and Kennedy has had only 2 screaming fits. We went from 2-3 a day to 2 in 3 weeks. Kennedy seems to be such a happier baby. It seems the entire house is feeling a little more at ease and Billy keeps asking when he can go for an adjustment. We even received a letter from the Dr. written to our child. The letter welcomed her to the practice. I love the line that says "Do you know how incredibly special you are? You are a gift to us and we feel very honored to help you to be the best you can be."
Is that how your Dr. makes you feel?
Then the bottom of the letter reads: "P.S. Please use the enclosed gift certificates to get your parents, teachers, or brothers and sisters a Free Consultation, Exam, Xrays and Adjustment"
I have to say this office is pretty special to us now and I am so thankful to have found it.

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