Friday, July 15, 2011

Tummy Time is such a ToughTime!!

My little girl is perfect in every way....except her spitting up! Her nick name is Puke-O-Potumus :)

Her tummy troubles started right around the 2 week mark and initially it was just a little spit up here and there. Now she will continually spit up her bottle and she will even spit up baby food. We are not just talking right after she eats....she will spit up for hours and hours. I can tell you the longer it stays in there the grosser it gets.
We have tried just about everything to help her with it. We have used every single formula out there with the exception of soy. We have done as suggested by various doctors and thickened her formula with rice. We have tried to feed small amounts more frequently and we have tried acid reducers. But the spit up continues. Worse then the spit up is the pain that she has. She will arch her back, growl and scream several times a day. Often there is nothing we can do for her. Just comfort her and try to get her to sleep. We have had a more frightening side affect of apnea. Believe it or not this can be caused by the reflux. When babies feel it burn up the back of there throat it causes them to focus on that and forget to breathe. Its quite scary to deal with. Lucky for us we have monitors that alert us to the issue and she "self corrects" when she hears the alarm. So it has us trying to figure out what else we can do for her. The spit up does not bother me. Sure its inconvenient to be a walking burp cloth and its not fun when it happens in public but we can deal with it. We have become quite used to it. I joke and call it my mommy perfume. Its quite lovely at the end of the day especially once some blueberries or bananas join in the mix. Our concern is helping to ease her pain.
We waited months to get into a pediatric GI specialist at Riley's and left no better off. Since the acid blocker Zantac gave no relief they wanted to put her on medicine called Reglan to help her stomach empty out faster. The Dr told us that if accidental overdose occurred it could cause a seizure and that there are reports of long term use in adults causing "neurological issues" she told us this as she wrote out the script and sent us on our way with a follow up appointment in December.
All I could think about on the way home was "neurological issues" it had me wondering. So thank you to the wonderful world of GOOGLE I found out some frightening things. These issues were a syndrome that caused involuntary muscle movements of the arms, leg and face. Things like blinking, lip smacking, clicking noises in the mouth and arm and leg jerking. Symptoms are so common that the FDA required a black label to worn users of this side effect. The articles also stated infants were more at risk. Funny she never mentioned that. Worse yet is that the symptoms are irreversible regardless of when they are found! Wow...let me squirt that liquid right into her mouth.  I was horrified and had several other people who were just as shocked by the side affects listed. Pretty scary stuff out there.
Needless to say we did not fill this prescription and we are going to try a more natural route. In the meantime we have learned that receiving blankets make amazing burp cloths.

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